Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August 2013
Gauge/Gravity Duality has established itself as a
major tool for describing strongly coupled systems. At
the same time, it provides significant new links
between gauge theory and string theory. The aim of the
conference is to explore all aspects of gauge/gravity
duality, both applied and theoretical, and to generate
an extensive exchange of ideas.
At the conference, the topics to be discussed include gauge/gravity
duality in the context of:
- Applications to condensed matter systems,
- Applications to heavy ion physics,
- Entanglement entropy,
- Supergravity,
- Higher spin theories,
- Integrability.
The conference is funded by the
European Science Foundation through
the HoloGrav
Scientific advisory board
Zoltan Bajnok (Budapest)
Massimo Bianchi (Rome)
Miguel Costa (Porto)
Nick Evans (Southampton)
Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki)
Vladimir Kazakov (Paris)
Niels Obers (Copenhagen)
Antoine Van Proeyen (Leuven)
Larus Thorlacius (Nordita/U Iceland)
Local organising committee
Johanna Erdmenger
Mario Araujo
Benedikt Herwerth
Steffen Klug
Max-Niklas Newrzella
Da-Wei Pang
Charlotte Sleight
Stephan Steinfurt
Ann-Kathrin Straub
Migael Strydom
Hansjörg Zeller