MPP Theory Division
Directors  •  Secretaries  •  Communication and Outreach  •  Emeriti
Senior Scientists  •  Postdocs  •  PhD Students  •  Master Students
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Gia Dvali gdvali 306 A.3.41 Cosmology
Johannes Henn henn 420 A.3.51 Quantum Field Theory
Dieter Lüst luest 282 A.3.43 String Theory
Giulia Zanderighi zanderi 553 A.3.49 Phenomenology
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Julia Redl redl 334 A.3.47 Quantum Field Theory
Annette Sturm asturm 482 A.3.45 Phenomenology
Vera Weber vweber 334 A.3.47 Quantum Field Theory
Communication and Outreach
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Sorana Scholtes scholtes 434 A.3.09 Quantum Field Theory
Senior Scientists
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Arnd Behring abehring 613 A.3.59 Phenomenology
Paolo Benincasa pbeninca X X String Theory
Lasha Berezhiani lashaber 581 A.3.21 Cosmology
Ralph Blumenhagen blumenha 276 A.3.27 String Theory
Francesca Capel capel 417 A.2.09 Astrophysical Messengers
Rhorry Gauld rgauld 574 A.3.85 Phenomenology
Ulrich Haisch haisch 413 A.3.81 Phenomenology
Georg Raffelt raffelt 234 A.3.32 Astroparticle Physics
Frank Daniel Steffen steffen 335 A.3.91 Astroparticle Physics
Stephan Stieberger stieberg 310 A.3.23 String Theory
Marius Wiesemann wieseman 230 A.3.36 Phenomenology
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Sajad Abbar abbar 517 A.3.14 Astroparticle Physics
Ivano Basile ibasile 267 A.3.38 String Theory
Niccolò Cribiori cribiori 206 A.3.25 String Theory
Matilda Delgado matilda 267 A.3.34 String Theory
Bernardo Fraiman fraiman 594 A.3.25 String Theory
Francesco Garosi garosi 406 A.3.61 Phenomenology
Tommaso Giani giani 407 A.3.69 Phenomenology
Subramanya Hegde subbu 596 A.3.73 Quantum Field Theory
Alvaro Herraez aherraez 321 A.3.34 String Theory
Daniel Junghans junghans 284 A.3.57 String Theory
Chia-Kai Kuo ckkuai 200 A.3.54 Quantum Field Theory
Florian Kühnel fkuehnel 314 A.3.14 Cosmology
Yixuan Li yixuan 300 A.3.25 String Theory
Prisco Lo Chiatto lochiatt 546 A.3.68 Phenomenology
Marco Niggetiedt mnigge 238 A.3.67 Phenomenology
Prashanth Raman praman 317 A.3.75 Quantum Field Theory
Giulio Salvatori giulios 334 A.3.54 Quantum Field Theory
Aparna Sankar aparna 407 A.3.67 Phenomenology
Marco Scalisi mscalisi 532 A.3.38 String Theory
Chiara Signorile-Signorile signoril 245 A.3.65 Phenomenology
Chenyu Wang cywang 574 A.3.69 Phenomenology
Qinglin Yang qlyang 544 A.3.75 Quantum Field Theory
Matteo Zatti zatti 206 A.3.25 String Theory
Sebastian Zell zell 334 A.3.10 Cosmology
Shun-Qing Zhang sqzhang 405 A.3.87 Quantum Field Theory
Yujiao Zhu yzhu 427 A.3.50 Quantum Field Theory
PhD Students
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Ana Fernandes Alexandre alexand 464 A.3.12 Cosmology
Roberta Angius rangius 594 A.3.33 String Theory
Maximilian Bachmaier maxi 320 A.3.17 Cosmology
Philipp Bakauov bakauov 320 A.3.15 Cosmology
Leonardo Bersigotti leobersi 321 A.3.37 String Theory
Christian Biello biello 406 A.3.61 Phenomenology
Andreas Bischof bischof 201 A.3.30 String Theory
Nadine Bourriche nadineb 561 A.2.07 Astrophysical Messengers
Anja Brenner abrenner TUM TUM Astroparticle Physics
Sérgio Carrôlo scarrolo 201 A.3.73 Quantum Field Theory
Emma Chizzali echizzal 320 A.3.12 Cosmology
Giacomo Contri contri 320 A.3.17 Cosmology
Dimitri Corradini dcorradi 427 A.3.50 Quantum Field Theory
Johannes Diehl diehl 464 A.2.75 Astroparticle Physics
Sara Ditsch ditsch 293 A.3.52 Quantum Field Theory
Jakob Ehring ehring 517 A.3.21 Astroparticle Physics
Aleksandar Gligovic aglig 273 A.3.35 String Theory
Dominik Haslehner dominikh 464 ? Phenomenology
Anna Jankowsky annasky LMU A.3.19 Cosmology
Christian Kneißl ckneissl 251 A.3.30 String Theory
Lucy Komisel lkomisel 320 A.3.15 Cosmology
Julian Kuhlmann kuhlmann 561 A.2.07 Astrophysical Messengers
Florian König fkoenig 528 A.3.65 Phenomenology
Jungwon Lim wonlim 317 A.3.52 Quantum Field Theory
Jakob Linder linder 318 A.3.63 Phenomenology
Rourou Ma marr 200 A.3.89 Quantum Field Theory
Joaquin Aurelio Masias Teves jmasias 273 A.3.35 String Theory
Elia Mazzucchelli eliam 200 A.3.54 Quantum Field Theory
Carmine Montella montella 321 A.3.37 String Theory
Dusan Novicic novicic LMU LMU String Theory
Antonia Paraskevopoulou aparaske 293 A.3.35 String Theory
Thomas Raml raml 406 A.3.30 String Theory
Alessandro Ratti ratti 406 A.3.61 Phenomenology
Lena Saurenhaus lsaurenh 561 A.2.07 Astrophysical Messengers
Luc Schnell schnell 318 A.3.83 Phenomenology
Georgina Staudt georgina 293 A.3.37 String Theory
Anja Stuhlfauth anjast 320 A.3.12 Cosmology
Francisco Vazão fvvazao 200 A.3.89 Quantum Field Theory
Nils Wagner wagner 594 A.3.33 Phenomenology
Joachim Weiss jweiss 273 A.3.83 Phenomenology
Tongxuan Zhang tzhang 320 A.3.15 Cosmology
Master Students
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Fazila Ahmadova fazila 464 A.3.71 Phenomenology
Miquel Aparici Domingo maparici 251 A.3.30 String Theory
Manuel Artime artime 593 A.3.31 String Theory
Alessandro Borys borys 284 A.3.57 String Theory
Thara Rubi Caba Pineda caba 417 A.2.09 Astrophysical Messengers
Emeline Duboys de Lavigerie emeline 464 A.371 Phenomenology
Maximilian Freiheit freiheit 464 A.3.71 Phenomenology
Maximilian Haensch haensch 334 A.3.66 Quantum Field Theory
Arda Hasar hasar 464 248 String Theory
Sanchit Jain sanchit 516 A.3.63 Phenomenology
Xavier Kervyn xavier 593 A.3.331 String Theory
Ann-Sophie Mahr mahranns 293 A.3.63 Phenomenology
Avalon Rego rego 417 A.2.07 Astrophysical Messengers
Ronja Schorer rschorer 464 A.3.71 Phenomenology
Fotis Siammenos siammeno 851 A.3.30 String Theory
Giulia Tazzoli tazzoli 251 A.3.30 String Theory
Alessio Vorona vorona 464 A.3.71 Phenomenology
Laurenz Warnick lawrence 464 248 String Theory
Keito Watanabe watanabe 561 203 Astrophysical Messengers
Aaron Willen willen 334 A.3.66 Quantum Field Theory
Name E-Mail ( Phone (32354-) Room Field of research
Wolfgang Ochs wwo 267 A.3.32 String Theory
Heinrich Saller hns 234 A.3.32 Astrophysical Messengers
Erhard Seiler ehs 267 A.3.32 Phenomenology
Leo Stodolsky les 231 A.3.05 Astroparticle Physics
Peter Weisz pew 267 A.3.32 Phenomenology
Valentine Zakharov xxz 231 A.3.05 Quantum Field Theory